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bitter skin

art film in collaboration with contemporary dancer margot bareyt


creative field(s)

Contemporary Dance Film . Video Installation . Artist Presentation . Video Art . Trailer


Direction . Cinematography . Audio . Video Editing . Colour Grading
Final Cut Pro . Da Vinci Resolve . Logic Pro

form and dimension

1 Minute 45 Second


Margot Bareyt



I collaborated with French contemporary dancer Margot Bareyt during her stay in Calcutta in the winter of 2019. The piece originates from Margot's encounters with domestic violence and psychological trauma inflicted on her through abusive relationships. Part exploration and part art therapy—the composition became her way of addressing these assaults and healing.

The film evolved from our discussions and me observing Margot develop the choreography. We filmed the final piece on the green patch at the heart of Calcutta—Maidan. I hoped that the pale green of Maidan, early morning mist, and soft light would provide the ideal backdrop to bring out the agony. To heighten the sense of distress, I filmed the entire piece using two hand-held cameras and graded the film to muted tones. The soundscape consists of Margot's throat singing, breathing, narration and manipulations of ambient sounds. The final piece, which we are currently working on, will be a two-channel five-minute-long video installation. The trailer below offers a sneak peek.


the trailer


production stills

︎ click on the contact sheet for a full-screen view of the images

Margot Bareyt (Concept, Choreography, Dance, Costume, Narration) . Anushree Bhatter (Cinematography) . Noor Unnahar (Poetry from her book Yesterday I Was The Moon)

Direction . Cinematography . Audio Recording . Video Editing . Sound Design . Colour Grading

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copyright © 2023 chhandak pradhan =︎︎ unless otherwise stated.
impressum + dsgvo | currently in zürich, switzerland (cet = utc +1 hour)