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visualising patterns of behaviour through the surveillance of a mobile phone

creative field(s)

Data Art


iPhone . GPX data . Projector . Plywood Tilemill . Illustrator . Aftereffects

form and dimension

SVG File . Single channel video loop . Projection
5 minute . 1920 × 1080 px   






For centuries we have surveilled the heavens; studied stars so distant that we only see them aeon after their death; connected groups of celestial bodies with imaginary lines to form meaningful patterns. Our endeavours—from astronomical to astrological—all attempts to understand what it means to be part of the vastness that is the universe.

But what if someone was studying us? Plotting our every move, keeping track of where, how long, and with whom we spend time. Would they understand us any better? Engaging with the question reveals a constellation. Hidden. Unseen. Seen so far only by my omnipresent smartphone, paths taken over two years suddenly unfold as geoglyphs. Cities, bodies, capillaries, faces, lines or something else—what geolocation Rorschach do you see?

︎ click on the contact sheet for a full-screen view of the images

︎Exhibited at the group show titled It Can Be Anything—an exhibition showcasing the outcome of a workshop on development of exhibition format conducted by Burkhard Meltzer at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) from 21-23 Nov, 2018.

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copyright © 2023 chhandak pradhan =︎︎ unless otherwise stated.
impressum + dsgvo | currently in zürich, switzerland (cet = utc +1 hour)